Industry Self-Regulation: Responding to and Growing from Criticism
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
3:05 PM - 4:00 PM
Precisely because of the critical role that it plays, no form of regulation is without criticism. Those models of soft or hard law that have succeeded are those that have grown and evolved from lessons learned. This session will be a case study of such lessons and growth, featuring the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care program, in operation for more than 30 years, and other environmental protection programs.
Andrew King, Professor, Questrom School of Business, Boston University
Dan Roczniak, Manager, Responsible Care Program, American Chemistry Council
Jorge E. Rivera, Professor of Strategic Management & Public Policy, The George Washington University School of Business
Jeffrey Ding, Assistant Professor of Political Science, The George Washington University
Peter Marinello, VP - Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council, BBB National Programs
Dan Roczniak, Manager, Responsible Care Program, American Chemistry Council
Jorge E. Rivera, Professor of Strategic Management & Public Policy, The George Washington University School of Business
Jeffrey Ding, Assistant Professor of Political Science, The George Washington University
Peter Marinello, VP - Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council, BBB National Programs