What’s New with Consumer Reviews and Endorsements

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
10:50 AM - 12:05 PM

Consumers rely on information found on both social media and retail platforms to make purchases. Understanding the multi-layered process around collecting and posting reviews, and relationships that underlie much sponsored content are essential to guide advertisers in applying FTC guidance in unfamiliar territory and maintaining consumer trust in the legitimacy of reviews and ratings. Equally important is an understanding of the rules for advertisers’ use of consumer endorsements and testimonials, which are especially important in today’s era of social media influencer marketing. The panel will examine the challenges associated with leveraging consumer reviews and endorsements to drive product sales and promotion, and how advertisers can avoid the blurring of lines between advertising and editorial content to avoid regulatory enforcement and misleading consumers. The session will include a discussion of the FTC’s recently announced final revisions to its Endorsement Guides and proposed new Rule on the Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials.