Companies’ use of consumer geolocation data is making headlines. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken enforcement action against Mobilewalla, Gravy Analytics, and Venntel, each related to the sale of sensitive geolocation data, and most recently the FTC proposed a five-year ban against General Motors and OnStar for sharing precise location and driving behavior data without consent. The Texas Attorney General’s office has sued Allstate for covertly obtaining consumers’ location data from mobile phone apps.  

These actions demonstrate the risks of non-compliant collection and use of consumers’ geolocation data. 

In this webinar, speakers discussed the rules of the road for the collection and use of consumers’ geolocation data, common mistakes, and violations as demonstrated in a new high-profile case investigated by BBB National Programs’ Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP) regarding interest-based advertising, as well as examples of some of the most pertinent violations of laws and regulations governing the collection and use of geolocation data, with recommendations on how to avoid them. 

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